Tuition and Semester Fees

The collection and the amount of fees are governed by the University Ordinance  (UniV).

Bills with a payment slip are delivered by post.
Log in to your Swiss bank or Postfinance for e-bill to receive our bills electronically.

Tuition fees
Art. 39 UniV

Fees amount
Regular tuition fee CHF 750 per semester
Non-Swiss students CHF 200 per semester, in addition to the regular tuition fee, if they did not have their civil law residence in Switzerland or the Principality of Liechtenstein at the time of obtaining their university entrance qualification to a bachelor's degree program (as of fall semester 2018) *
Tuition fee as of the 13th semester without obtaining a degree (long-term students) CHF 1,500 in the first semester after the twelve-semester limit has been exceeded. The fees double for each further semester.
Cases of hardship

The Executive Board of the University of Bern can waive the increase of tuition fees either in part or in entirety.

See below checklist for request for exemption from higher tuition fees.

* Exemption from the additional fee if you acquire Swiss citizenship during the period of registration at the University of Bern; see the details on the exact procedure in Art. 14 of the Reglement zu Abläufen und Terminen der Zulassung und Immatrikulation.

Semester fee Art. 40 UniV Fees amount
Regular semester fee CHF 34.- pro Semester
Members of the Student Union of the University of Bern (SUB) from spring semester 25, CHF 25.- per semester, in addition to the semester fee

You will receive a certificate of registration once the tuition fees are paid. It consists of four confirmation talons. Each of the four talons bears the term "certificate of registration" covered with a transparent hologram film.

Please find information about the UNICARD, your electronic student card in credit card format, here.

Tuition fees must be paid within the deadline indicated on the invoice.

Requests for an extension of the payment deadline can be addressed by e-mail to the Admissions Office. The latest possible deadline for the payment is October 31 for the autumn term and April 15 for the spring term. The payment must be made immediately.

If we do not receive your payment in time, you will be exmatriculated ex officio. A renewal of your enrollment in the current semester will not be possible.

Regulations on procedures and deadlines for admission and enrollment, Art. 9/5 (in German)

Requests for reimbursement have to be submitted within 10 days of the reimbursement reasons being known, but at the latest by (date of receipt)

  • February 28 for the spring semester
  • September 30 for the fall semester

Please send the request for reimbursement, the below mentioned documents, to:

University of Bern
Admissions Office
Hochschulstrasse 4
CH-3012 Bern

 You can only be reimbursed if you return

  • all certificates of registration
  • the UNICARD
  • an accompanying note confirming in writing and by signature, based on the documents of registration, that you have not received any benefits such as grants, training bonuses and tax relief.

The Admissions Office cannot exempt you from paying fees or defer due fees. If, through no fault of your own, you are in financial difficulty and thus cannot pay tuition and semester fees on time, please contact the social fund of the Student Union in good time for advance money.

* Exemption from the additional fee if you acquire Swiss citizenship during the period of registration at the University of Bern; see the details on the exact procedure in Art. 14 of the Reglement zu Abläufen und Terminen der Zulassung und Immatrikulation.