CAS Natural Language Processing - AI for Language

Mathematical Institute

Machine translation, information extraction, question answering and non-sense natural language generation performed by NLP algorithms are already part of everyday life. However, the new semantic understanding capabilities seen in recent trained transformers like Large Language Models (LLM) like ChatGPT, BERT and Gemini not only expand the NLP application space enormously, but also represent possible first steps towards consciousness and mind outside human and animal nerve systems. 

The program targets practitioners who aim for an overview of the NLP domain with focus on recent developments (deep learning models) and hands-on learning. Programming skills and some machine learning experiences are an advantage, however, not really required as we offer a free pre-course in Python.

The CAS format is designed to align with the participants’ main professional and study activities. The workload is on average about 20% of a full-time position over a year. The teaching and learning approaches are team and discussion oriented, aimed at developing practical competency. All modules can also be attended online. 

Degree Certificate of Advanced Studies in Natural Language Processing NLP University of Bern (CAS NLP Unibe)
Start 2025/08/11
Length August 2025 – July 2026
Scope 16 ECTS
Cycle Annual
Flexible entry possible No
Single module visitable Yes
Place University of Bern; Mürren, Bernese Oberland (Module 6);Lago Maggiore, Italy (Module 3)
Language English
Admission The prerequisite for admission to the programme is a degree from a university or a university of applied sciences.
Registration until 2025/08/05
Cost CHF 9'600
Special Offer Students and Employees of the University of Bern: CHF 5’600
Organising institutions Mathematical Institute

If there are free places, modules can be attended individually.

Module 1: NLP Fundamentals

Block module. In this module, linguistics and machine learning concepts are introduced and an overview of the NLP field and common applications is given.

Module 2: Preprocessing and basic analysis

Block module. In this module, participants learn to perform basic preprocessing and analysis of natural language.

Module 3: Neural networks

In this module, participants learn how neural networks work, are trained, tuned, assessed and applied for NLP tasks

Module 3 takes place at the mediterranean coast. Full pension hotel accommodation is included in the CAS fee. 

Module 4: Transformers

Participants study transformers and learn why they have changed the NLP field.

Module 5: Philosophical and ethical aspects of NLP

In this module, participants study and discuss ethical and philosophical aspects related to machines being capable of natural language processing.

Module 6: Frontier and applications

This module consolidates the knowledge obtained from previous modules to focus on prominent NLP topics and applications.

Module 6 takes place in the wonderful historic hotel Regina in the ski resort Mürren (Bernese oberland), only about two train hours from Bern. Full pension hotel accommodations are included in the CAS fee. 

All modules

The duration of all modules corresponds to approximately 20 classroom hours each and module work (expected eff ort is 30 hours), with each complete module qualifying for 2 ECTS points. The expected workload for the CAS Project is 120 hours. Computational resources are offered.


The CAS Natural Language Processing is a university study program leading to a “Certificate of Advanced Studies in Natural Language Processing” awarded by the University of Bern.

The field Natural Language Processing belongs to both computational linguistics as its engineering domain and artificial intelligence as an increasingly important subdomain. The applications based on deep neural networks have reached a
performance level which cannot be ignored by any field that is processing natural languages.

The program is organised into six modules, running over 18 course days from August to January and targets practitioners who aim for an overview of the NLP domain with focus on recent developments (deep learning models) and hands-on learning. The difficulty is at a university master level and assumes own basic machine learning experience, programming skills and a higher education degree.


Course competence is developed throughout six modules and a CAS project work. On completion the graduates will (be able to):

  • have an overview of the NLP domain and common applications
  • be able to perform relevant preprocessing tasks needed for advanced NLP
  • be able to understand neural networks and practice them on own NLP applications
  • be able to understand transformers and practice transfer learning with transformers for own applications
  • know discussions related to philosophical and ethical aspects around NLP and artificial intelligence
  • be familiar with active research in the NLP domain.
Building Abbreviations
Abbreviation Building
ExWi Exakte Wissenschaften (Sidlerstrasse 5)
UniM Uni Mittelstrasse (Mittelstrasse 43)
HG Main Building (Hochschulstrasse 4)
PT Parkterrasse 14
UT Unitobler (Muesmattstrasse)

Information Events

Learn everything you need to know about the CAS in Natural Language Processing. One introduction is mandatory, remote participation is possible. 

Introduction Events 20235
Date Time Location Title Lecturer Comments
2025-04-07 18:15 - 20:00 HG 115 Introduction to CAS NLP PD Dr. S. Haug Link to Zoom Meeting.
2025-06-17 18:15 - 20:00 HG 115 Introduction to CAS NLP PD Dr. S. Haug Link to Zoom Meeting. Slides.

Introductionary courses

To prepare yourself for the CAS Modules we offer the following two online self-study courses:

  • Introduction to Python: Log in to Ilias to start

  • Mathematical Methods (MM): Log in to Ilias to start 

We recommend the pre-courses specifically for ADS & AML participants and to start the self-study in week 32.

Introduction to Python takes approx. 1 day to finish.
Mathematical Methods takes approx. 4 days to finish.

We offer Q&A sessions for both courses:

  • Intro to Python: 11.08.2025, 4:00 - 6:00 pm, online Zoom Link here.
  • MM: 13.08.2025, 4:00 - 6:00 pm, online Zoom Link here.
  • MM: 15.08.2025, 4:00 - 6:00 pm, online Zoom Link here.

Please add your questions to the Google-Forms on Ilias latest 3 days before the Q&A session!

Data Science Fundamentals 2025
Title Date Time Location Session held by Description Comments

Q&A Introduction to Python

2025-08-11 16:00 - 18:00 Online Zoom Sandro Calce & Roger Wolf Submit your questions before 08.08.2025 through the Google-Forms on Ilias
Link to Ilias

Q&A Mathematical Methods for Data Science and Machine Learning

2025-08-13 16:00 - 18:00 Online Zoom Dr. K. Sipos Submit your questions before 10.08.2025 through the Google-Forms on Ilias
Link to Ilias

Q&A Mathematical Methods for Data Science and Machine Learning

2025-08-13 16:00 - 18:00 Online Zoom Dr. K. Sipos Submit your questions before 12.08.2025 through the Google-Forms on Ilias Link to Ilias


All Information about Modules 1-6. 

Course materials are accessed via the Ilias learning platform upon receiving the password. 

CAS NLP Modules 2025/2026
Module Course Title Date  Time                 
Location Lecturer(s) Comments

Module 1 

M1 NLP Fundamentals 2025-08-19 - 2025-08-22

(4 half days, afternoons for self-study)

09:15 - 12:30 UniM Prof. Dr. T. Hodel, Dr. Christa Schneider
M1 Project Report deadline TBD: 2025-09-30

Module 2 

M2 Preprocessing and basic analysis 2025-08-26 - 2025-08-29
(4 half days, afternoons for self-study)
09:15 - 12:30 UniM

Dr. Christa Schneider, Prof. Dr. T. Hodel
M2 Project Presentation
TBD during the module
most likely during the module

Module 3 

M3 Neural Networks 2025-10-06 - 2025-10-10
(5 Days)
08:30 - 12:30
17:00 - 19:00
Lago Maggiore , Italy PD Dr. S. Haug, Dr. M. Vladymyrov  Monday is arrival day - On Monday, the module content starts 17:00. Friday is departure day - On Friday the module ends at 12:30
M3 Project Presentation Usually during week 48
online or at ExWi A detailed presentation schedule will be discussed during the module

Module 4 

M4 Transformers Every Friday
2025-10-17 until 2025-12-12
15:15 - 17:00 ExWi 

M.Sc. J. Niklaus, Dr. Sukanya Nath
M4 Project TBD: 2025-11-30

Module 5

M5 Philosophical and ethical aspects of NLP Every Friday
2025-10-17 until 2025-12-12
13:15 - 15:00 ExWi 

Prof. Dr. Dr. C. Beisbart
M5 Project TBD during the module
most likely in February

Module 6

M6 Frontier and applications 2026-01-26 - 2026-01-30
(5 Days)
08:30 - 12:30
17:00 - 19:00

Hotel Regina Mürren
(Bernese Oberland)
PD Dr. S. Haug, Dr. M. Vladymyrov Monday is arrival day - On Monday, the module content starts 17:00. Friday is departure day - On Friday the module ends at 12:30
M6 Project TBD during the module
most likely in March

Submit your project report as a pdf by uploading it here. In that pdf, also provide a link to your CAS repository with the code/notebooks etc. If the pdf is confidential, submit it as email to Sigve. The link also provides information about how to write the report.

Final Project 

Deadline 2026-06-15

If you hand in your final project later than this day, then you will also receive your confirmation of degree and hence your diploma later than above described.
Graduation Event
Poster Session

Graduation Party
2026 August 28

2026 August 28
15:00 - 16:30

17:00 - open end
ExWi Foyer,

LesBar (Münstergasse 63, 3011 Bern)
Deadline registration and poster session: 23.08.2026

Please find more information here.

Events and other important dates

Informal events, other dates
Title Date Time Location Comments

CAS Apero

2025-08-22 17:00 UniM outside Come together and have a drink or two

CAS Networking Apero

2025-11-14 17:00 ExWi Foyer/Wandelhalle Come together to connect and have a drink or two

CAS Completion Notification

2026-07-31 Be informed that you have completed the CAS programme.

CAS Graduation Celebration

2026-08-28 17:00 LesBar (Münstergasse 63, 3011 Bern) Celebrate your Graduation!
Building Abbreviations
Abbreviation Building
ExWi Exakte Wissenschaften (Sidlerstrasse 5)
UniM Uni Mittelstrasse (Mittelstrasse 43)
HG Main Building (Hochschulstrasse 4)
PT Parkterrasse 14
UT Unitobler (Muesmattstrasse)

Information Events

Learn everything you need to know about the CAS in Natural Language Processing. One introduction is mandatory, remote participation is possible. 

Introduction Events 2024
Date Time Location Title Lecturer Comments
2024-03-11 18:15 - 20:00 HG 208
Introduction to CAS NLP PD Dr. S. Haug Link to Zoom Meeting
2024-07-10 18:15 - 20:00 UniS Raum S 201 Introduction to CAS NLP PD Dr. S. Haug Link to Zoom Meeting

Introductionary courses

Prepare yourself for the CAS Modules. We offer the following introductionary courses to refresh your knowledge.

Data Science Fundamentals 2024
Title Date Time Location Lecturer Description Comments

Introduction to Programming (Python)

2024-08-12 09:15 - 17:00 UT, room F -121 Dr. K. Sipos This course is intended for CAS ADS students but CAS NLP participants who would like to refresh their Python programming knowledge are welcome too. Link to Ilias

Mathematical Methods for Data Science and Machine Learning

2024-08-13 - 2024-08-16 

(4 half days)

09:15 - 12:30 UT, room F -121 Dr. K. Sipos This course is intended for CAS AML students, but interested CAS NLP participants who wish to deepen their mathematical knowledge and learn about machine learning mathematics are welcome too. Link to Ilias


All Information about Modules 1-6. 

Course materials are accessed via the Ilias Learning Platform upon receiving the course password. 

CAS NLP Modules 2024/2025
Module Course Title Date  Time Location Lecturer(s) Comments

Module 1 

M1 NLP Fundamentals 2024-08-20 - 2024-08-23 

(4 Days)

09:00 - 12:30 Tuesday, 2024-08-20: UniM, room 016

Wednesday, 2024-08-21: UniM, room 016

Thursday, 2024-08-22: UniM, room 216

Friday, 2024-08-23: UniM, room 216

Prof. Dr. T. Hodel
M1 Project TBD

Module 2 

M2 Preprocessing and basic analysis 2024-08-27 - 2024-08-30

(4 Days)

09:00 - 12:30 Tuesday, 2024-08-27: UniM, room 016

Wednesday, 2024-08-28: UniM, room 016

Thursday, 2024-08-29: UniM, room 016

Friday, 2024-08-30: UniM, room 116

Dr. Christa Schneider
M2 Project TBD

Module 3 

M3 Neural Networks 2024-10-07 - 2024-10-11

(4 Days)

08:30 - 12:30

17:00 - 19:00

Hotel Cenobio Dei Dogi - Camogli (Liguria, Italy) PD Dr. S. Haug, Dr. M. Vladymyrov, A. Alhineidi  Monday is arrival day - On Monday, the module content starts 17:00. Friday is departure day - On Friday the module ends at 12:30
M3 Project TBD A detailed presentation schedule will be discussed during the module

Module 4 

M4 Transformers Every Friday

2024-10-18 until 2024-12-13

15:15 - 17:00 ExWi, room B078
Dr. Sukanya Nath
M4 Project TBD

Module 5

M5 Philosophical and ethical aspects of NLP Every Friday

2024-10-18 until 2024-12-13

13:15 - 15:00 ExWi, room A097
Prof. Dr. Dr. C. Beisbart
M5 Project

Module 6

M6 Frontier and applications 2025-01-27 - 2025-01-31

(4 Days)

08:30 - 12:30

17:00 - 19:00

Hotel Regina Mürren 

(Bernese Oberland)

Dr. Sukanya Nath, PD Dr. S. Haug  Monday is arrival day - On Monday, the module content starts 17:00. Friday is departure day - On Friday the module ends at 12:30
M6 Project TBD TBD Submit your project report as a pdf by uploading it here. In that pdf, also provide a link to your CAS repository with the code/notebooks etc. If the pdf is confidential, submit it as email to Sigve. The link also provides information about how to write the report.

Final Project 

Deadline 2025-06-15 If you hand in your final project later than this day, then you will also receive your confirmation of degree and hence your diploma later than above described.
Graduation Event
Poster Session

Graduation Party
2025 August 29

2025 August 29
15:00 - 16:30

17:00 - open end
ExWi Foyer,

LesBar (Münstergasse 63, 3011 Bern)

Deadline registration and poster session: 24.08.2025

Please find more information here.

Events and other important dates

Informal events, other dates
Title Date Time Location Comments

CAS Apero

2024-08-23 17:00 UniM outside Come together and have a drink or two

CAS Networking Apero

2024-11-15 17:00 ExWi Foyer/Wandelhalle Come together to connect and have a drink or two

CAS Completion Notification

2025-07-31 Be informed that you have completed the CAS programme

CAS Graduation Celebration

2025-08-29 17:00 LesBar (Münstergasse 63, 3011 Bern) Celebrate your Graduation!

The Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS) in Natural Language Processing (NLP) is offered by the Mathematical Institute.

Program management

  • Prof. Dr. Jan Draisma 
  • Prof. Dr. Tobias Hodel
  • Prof. Dr. Paolo Favaro
  • PD Dr. Sigve Haug (director of studies)
  • Prof. Dr. Christiane Tretter
  • Prof. Dr. Thomas Wihler (chair)


  • Prof. Dr. T. Hodel
  • Prof. Dr. Dr. Claus Beisbart 
  • PD Dr. Sigve Haug 
  • Dr. Christa Schneider
  • Dr. Kinga Sipos 
  • Dr. Mykhailo Vladymyrov 
  • Dr. Sukanya Nath
  • MA Ahmad Alhineidi
  • et al. 

Target groups

Aimed at students and professionals from the public/private sector that hold a degree from a university or a university of applied sciences (e.g. BSc, MSc, PhD).

SUITABLE AND INTENDED FOR PRACTITIONERS AND RESEARCHERS ► Gain an overview of the Natural Language Processing domain with a focus on recent developments (deep learning models) and hands-on learning.

Standard data sets are provided, but participants are encouraged to bring or acquire their own. lf you have any questions regarding whether this program could work for you, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Registered participants will receive acceptance confirmation by email and will be invited to one of the next information events. Attendance to one information event is mandatory. Participants can cancel their registrations before the deadline without any costs. After the deadline the regulations apply. Individual modules and electives can be attended before the registration. Please contact PD Dr. Sigve Haug for further information.

Registration opens in December and a maximum of 20 registrations can be accepted each year. Registrations are processed in the order of arrival. The CAS can only be offered if there are sufficient registrations by the deadline.

Deadline: 2025-06-30

Per year there are 20 places. Registrations are accepted in the order they arrive. A waiting list is maintained. 

Program fees

Regular CAS program: CHF 9'600.-

Students currently enrolled in an University or University of Applied Sciences: CHF 5'600.-

Employees of University of Bern: CHF 5'600.-

Payment in installments is possible.

lnclusive of all modules, performance assessments, certificates, materials & teaching platforms, coffee breaks, full pension hotels (Module 3 and Module 6) and diploma apero.

Participants must supply their own laptops.

lf there are free places, modules can be attended individually. Prices are CHF 300.- per half day. Individual modules are accredited with certificates which are accumulated for the full CAS NLP.

Register here

"The CAS NLP at the University of Bern provides a deep insight into the secrets of Large Language Models. After the course, I was not only able to better understand how these models work, but also to train such models myself and programme them for my needs. The course is run by highly competent staff from the University of Bern and the small course groups allow for individual support. I can definitely recommend the course."

"It has been a true pleasure to learn from excellent experts in the field of Natural Language Processing. On top of their expertise, they created a very friendly and cooperative atmosphere, which stimulated exchange and creativity.Special acknowledgments go to Mykhailo and Sukanya for their code examples. The NLP_M3_NN_Tutorial by Mykhailo was particularly helpful when implementing the Siamese networks, presented at the end of module 3, during work for the assessment of module 4, as well as for the implementation of some aspects of the sentence transformers code presented in the current report. Besides her excellent lectures on Transformers, Sukanya was very kind and took her time after one of her lectures to helpme understand what I had to do in order to install the TensorFlow package. Without her help, none of the implementations presented in this report would have been possible."

"Special acknowledgments go to Sigve for the excellent course organization. He has understood to join work and leisure, best represented by the weeks in Italy and at Mürren. These weeks represent wonderful experiences, which made the group grow close. In particular, I will never forget the boat trip along the Liguria coast and the sledge ride and the party at the “Bliemli Chäller” at Mürren. These are moments, which make life worth living."


Cheyenne Friedrich


Assistant Education and Communication Manager Continuing Education in Extended Intelligence

