CAS Transnational Healthcare Management MiG
Center for Health Law and Healthcare Management on behalf of the Faculty of Law, the Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences, and the Faculty of Medicine, in cooperation with Edge Hill University (UK), the University of Bayreuth (D) and other international partners
One of the features of the healthcare system of the future will be the transnationalization of healthcare and insurance services, as well as the increased international standardization of these services. Increasingly, professionals of the future workforce will be required to have the ability and skills to understand other health systems and to cooperate with members of other health management cultures. The study program is aimed at individuals who perform tasks in the wider health system and health economy including health and accident insurance, public health or health promotion and who are active in higher management or leadership roles. The program is led by the University of Bern, in collaboration with the University of Bayreuth (D), Edge Hill University (GB) and other international partners
The study program is currently being revised. If you have any questions about it, please contact: We will be happy to inform you when the course is expected to be re-advertised in 2024.
Degree | Certificate of Advanced Studies in Transnational Healthcare Management MiG University of Bern (CAS THM MiG Unibe) |
Start | 2025 |
Length | 12 months |
Scope | 12 – 15 ECTS |
Cycle | Annual |
Flexible entry possible | No |
Single module visitable | No |
Place | Bern (CH), Ormskirk/Liverpool (GB), Bayreuth (D) and other European countries Due to the pandemic situation and the associated official requirements, we reserve the right to deliver individual modules or parts thereof online or postpone them where appropriate. |
Language | English |
Admission | University degree and experience in a professional and/or health-related management role. Applicants who work across borders or are earmarked for corresponding positions will be admitted preferentially. |
Cost | EUR 9'900 |
Organising institutions | Center for Health Law and Healthcare Management on behalf of the Faculty of Law, the Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences, and the Faculty of Medicine, in cooperation with Edge Hill University (UK), the University of Bayreuth (D) and other international partners |
Partner | In cooperation with Edge Hill University (GB), the University of Bayreuth (D) and other international partners |
General information about the study program
One of the features of the healthcare system of the future will be the transnationalization of healthcare and insurance services, as well as the increased international standardization of these services. Increasingly, professionals of the future workforce will be required to have the ability and skills to understand other health systems and to cooperate with members of other health management cultures. The study program is aimed at individuals who perform tasks in the wider health system and health economy including health and accident insurance, public health or health promotion and who are active in higher management or leadership roles. The program is led by the University of Bern, in collaboration with the University of Bayreuth (D), Edge Hill University (GB) and other international partners.
At the end of the course the participants of the study program will
- understand how healthcare organizations operate in different national environments.
- be able to develop health management strategies suitable for the internationalization process.
- be able to assess the opportunities and risks of options for action in the transnational environment.
- learn in cooperation with participants from the other participating countries about other healthcare system and the market conditions for internationally oriented and active organizations.
- be able to take into account different national contexts and the influence of cultural differences when developing proposed management solutions.
- be capable of developing strategies to win new markets for their healthcare organizations and to better position their own organizations in international business processes.
The course is part of the modular continuing education program Healthcare Management and Leadership MiG at the University of Bern. It can be completed as a self-standing course or as part of a DAS or MAS degree in "Healthcare Management and Leadership MiG".
The course comprises at least 12 ECTS credits. It is composed of five modules, each worth 1.5 - 2.5 ECTS credits (3 - 5 course days).
A module consists of one teaching block, delivered in one of four countries and one project block. The programme also includes a project block, which is integrated into the four teaching blocks. Teaching in each module will include a series of sessions across one week (Monday to Friday) and self-directed study in groups or individually.
In each module, students must write an assessed module paper. In addition to the four module papers, a project paper is written, with the option of integrating the module papers into the project paper.
The modules cover the following topics with different emphases reflecting the strength of expertise in each participating university:
- Interplay between health system-related EU law and national legislation of member and non-member states, mechanisms of political processes, and system comparison, examples from inpatient and outpatient health care, drug distribution and dispensing, health insurance, etc..
- Allocation of healthcare resources, models of integrated care and payment systems for health services, international and country-specific perspectives and applications.
- Leadership theories, styles and approaches in the context of strategic change management in health systems, the emerging equality, diversity and inclusion agenda and facilitate learning necessary for management expertise and skills related to integrated care models and patient centred care.
- Health focused theories and models, strategies and methods in public health marketing and in quality of work-life for health professionals promoting. In the context of environmental transition, the module aims to facilitate the further enhancement of management expertise and skills to face environmental concerns, epidemic crisis to design appropriate and innovative organizations.
Sponsorship and lecturers
The course is organized by the Center for Health Law and Healthcare Management of the University of Bern in cooperation with three other European universities. The Center is jointly supported by the Faculty of Law, the Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences and the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Bern.
In each module, course sessions will be delivered by lecturers from the host university as well as lecturers from other local universities or professional experts.
Admission requirements
The offer is aimed at members of middle and senior management in healthcare, healthcare industry, insurance, governmental or international organizations who intend to take up positions abroad, may be involved in cross-border projects, or want to increase their experience of other European health systems. The group of participants is likely to be international, comprising students from different European countries.
Requirements for admission are an undergraduate university degree and several years of professional experience in the healthcare sector (broadly defined, including pharmacology and allied health professions) or management experience in health care organisations. Applicants who work across borders or are assigned to international positions will be especially encouraged to apply.
Exceptions regarding the admission requirements can be approved by the program management "sur dossier". In the case of persons without a university degree or without professional experience in the healthcare sector, it may ask for further evidence of comparable professional expertise in order to ensure that applicants can successfully complete the course of study.
Interested parties who only wish to participate in individual modules may be admitted, provided that course places are available.
The program management decides on the admission to the study program. There is no entitlement to admission.
A minimum of 12 participants is required for the programme to be held. If there are too few registrations, the programme will be postponed for one year.
Registration and costs
The total cost of the course is 9,900 euros per participant. The course costs include: Course material, lunch and refreshments on site during teaching days. Accommodation and travel expenses are at the expense of the participants.
The study program is currently being revised. A new call for applications will be issued in 2024.
If you are interested, you can contact the secretariat at any time:, +41 31 684 32 11.
At the University of Bern we value the benefits a rich and diverse student body brings to our community of learners and therefore welcome applications from all sections of society.


Prof. Dr. Christoph Zenger, Studienleitung

Prof. Dr. Franziska Sprecher, Direktorin
Anschlussmöglichkeiten / thematisch verwandte Studiengänge
CAS Healthcare Management MiG
Degree | CAS |
Start | 2025 |
Language | Deutsch |
Cost | ca. CHF 9'000 |
Der modular aufgebaute Studiengang dient zur individualisierten fachlichen Weiterbildung für Aufgaben des höhren Managements in Organisationen des Gesundheitswesens. Der Einstieg ist jederzeit möglich.
MAS Healthcare Management and Leadership MiG
Degree | MAS |
Start | 2024 |
Language | Deutsch-Englisch |
Cost | ca. CHF 57'000 |
Der modulare MAS-Studiengang umfasst drei CAS nach Wahl. Die Weiterbildung befähigt die Teilnehmenden, sich in Leitungspositionen von Organisationen des Gesundheitswesens rasch zurechtzufinden, Veränderungen der Rahmenbedingungen ihrer Funktion wahrzunehmen und ihr Handeln laufend darauf auszurichten. Ein Start ist jeder Zeit möglich.
CAS Lean Healthcare Management MiG
Degree | CAS |
Start | 2025/08/18 |
Language | Deutsch |
Cost | CHF 11'520.- |
Der Studiengang macht Führungspersonen aus allen Berufsgruppen im Gesundheitswesen mit dem Thema Lean Healthcare Management vertraut und befähigt sie zu einer systemischen Betrachtung der Strategiearbeit, des Alltagsgeschäfts und der Innovation.
Summer School 2025 - CAS Healthcare Leader Excellence MiG
Degree | CAS |
Start | 2025/06/30 |
Language | Deutsch-Englisch |
Cost | CHF 11‘460.- |
Ziel der zweiwöchigen Summer School ist es, mittels kompakter Wissensvermittlung die heutigen und zukünftigen Herausforderungen von Gesundheitsorganisationen zu verstehen und daraus die richtigen Schlussfolgerungen für die Gestaltung der eigenen Führungsrolle abzuleiten.