Learn more about each area by clicking on the different icons.
Finanzierung & Wettbewerbe Beratung und Coaching Ausbildung & Training News & Events Netzworking & Community Zusammenarbeit & Partnerschaften Infrastruktur & Forschungs-Facilities Geistiges Eigentum & Technologietransfer Wissen & Ressourcen

Inspire, Empower, Engage

The University of Bern promotes an open, diversified and vibrant environment for innovation and knowledge transfer. With a wide range of services, it helps to turn ideas into added value for society.

The aim is to motivate (inspire) students and researchers to translate their knowledge and ideas into practical applications, to provide them with concrete tools for implementation (empower) and to integrate them into a network of strong partners with whom they can take their ideas to the next level (engage).

The graphic shows the individual areas of these three principles and how the university implements them in detail.

Know-how & Resources

Piktogram Wissen

The University of Bern has issued directives and guidelines for the translation of knowledge into society. In addition, you will find important terminology and working templates on knowledge transfer and entrepreneurship here:

IP & Technology Transfer

Piktogram Geistiges Eigentum

The technology transfer office Unitectra supports university researchers in invention evaluation, protection and management of intellectual property and negotiation of licenses and research contracts with partners from the private and public sectors.

Infrastructure & Research Facilities

Piktogram Infrastruktur

Access to the right infrastructure is key to developing innovation and to building a supportive and inspiring environment. This section lists room rental options, research infrastructure and a new creative space for workshops and interactive events.

Collaboration & Partnerships

The University of Bern supports research collaborations and maintains contacts between academia and industry. Both direct collaborations and those within the framework of national or international funding programs are possible.

Networking & Community

Piktogram Networking

Innovation is a "people business"! Together with like-minded individuals or in association with experienced institutions: Knowledge transfer works best in a strong team. This section contains an overview of relevant players and groups.

News & Events

Piktogram News

You want to stay informed about the latest developments? Be inspired by inventions and startups at the University of Bern or take part in an event? Then you've come to the right place!