Innovation@UniBE Value Through Knowledge Transfer

«Knowledge creates value»

In short, this is the vision of the University of Bern and corresponds to its legal mandate for knowledge transfer and translation.

The university is committed to creating scientific, social and economic value to solve complex societal challenges. It develops forward-thinking technologies and approaches and translates its research findings into solutions for society. Through its innovative strength, the University of Bern also acts as a driving force for the sustainable economic development of the Canton of Bern.

In line with this strategic orientation, the University of Bern is pursuing an ambitious innovation strategy with its finger on the pulse of the times and social needs. It provides targeted support and advice to create sustainable benefits for society and economic added value through well-grounded ideas.

«The university creates new ideas! We strive to pass this knowledge on to society.»

Virginia Richter, Rector University of Bern

Porträt Rektorin Virginia Richter
Porträt Vizerektor Hugues Abriel

«The University of Bern inspires and empowers people to transform their ideas into reality. Our research creates future perspectives.»

Hugues Abriel, Vice Rector Research and Innovation


You can find some striking examples of how research at the University of Bern and the ideas of its students and researchers are positively changing society in the section Stories and Startups.

Collage verschiedener Innovationsstories