Collaborate with the University of Bern

So you can quickly find the relevant information or suitable contact point, we have compiled useful links for different target groups here.

Should you however not find what you are looking for, please send us an email or contact the team at the Vice-Rectorate Research and Innovation – we are happy to help.


Is your institution interested in exploring partnership opportunities with the University of Bern?

We are committed to fostering networks and international collaboration.

UniBE International

Companies and Industry

Is your business looking for a subject matter expert or seeking to collaborate with the University of Bern on a cutting-edge research project?

We can help you find a suitable partner.

Innovation Office and Unitectra


Are you in search of a potential research partner?

Discover the research groups driving developments in our priority topics and search the publications in BORIS.

Bern Open Repository and Information System (BORIS)

Donors and Philanthropists

Are you interested in making a contribution to pioneering research projects or fostering talented researchers?

Find out more about the various donation options with which you can strengthen research at the University of Bern.

UniBE Foundation

Stakeholders in the Bern Region

Are you a stakeholder in the city or canton of Bern interested in sustainable development in our region?

The University of Bern believes in the co-development of approaches and solutions, and is actively seeking dialogue with interested parties.

Engaged UniBE

General Public

Are you interested in the research going on at the University of Bern

Explore our events—from lecture series to the Children's and Senior Citizen's Universities, there is something for everyone.

Events calendar