US Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs
Note: To access the CDMRP website, you sometimes need a VPN client. The IT Services Office recommends ProtonVPN (free version).
The Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs (CDMRP) of the US Department of Defense (DoD) support basic, translational and clinical biomedical research. CDMRP's mission is to provide healthcare solutions that improve the health and quality of life of army personnel, veterans, their families and the American public. Funding is available for paradigm-shifting / high-impact research that leads to breakthrough technologies and resources, and will ultimately result in cures or improvements in patient care. The CDMRP includes programs dedicated to a particular disease or health topic, as well as general programs covering multiple topics.
All of the CDMRP-funded research programs are open to researchers at foreign institutions. Rules for participation are outlined in the funding opportunity announcements, published on eBRAP.