Funding and Prizes UniBE Funding Schemes

Initiator Grants

Basic principles

The UniBE Initiator Grant is for the preparation of a third-party funding proposal. In particular, funds can be applied for to prepare:

  • proposals within the framework of individual funding of the Swiss National Science Foundation post PhD
  • proposals within the framework of project funding of the Swiss National Science Foundation
  • proposals within the framework of the transitional measures of the Swiss National Science Foundation, in particular the Starting Grants and the Swiss Postdoctoral Fellowships
  • proposals within the framework of the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Global Postdoctoral Fellowships
  • other proposals for well-known competitive grants awarded by funding institutions (foundations, funding agencies, etc.) at home and abroad


The UniBE Initiator Grant can be used for the following purposes:

  • for the researcher’s own position (contract extension, increase in percentage of employment for part-time researchers)
  • to reduce workload (e.g. external teaching contract, auxiliary personnel)
  • for relief measures in support of the compatibility of family and work (e.g. 120% rule, day care contributions)
  • research costs that are necessary for the preparation of the main proposal
  • field and travel costs

Researchers awarded a UniBE Initiator Grant are obligated to submit the supported main proposal within one year or by the earliest possible date, according to the submission deadlines of the respective funding agency.