Funding and Prizes UniBE Funding Schemes

Initiator Grants


The Vice-Rectorate Research organises the procedure for submission, evaluation and processing of the UniBE Initiator Grant applications. The regulations adopted by the University Board of Directors form the basis for the evaluation of the submitted applications. The following criteria regarding form and content are also relevant:

  • qualifications of the applicant
  • advancement of the individual research profile
  • scientific quality and innovativeness of the project
  • feasibility of the project

Applications that fulfil the criteria and are submitted on time will be evaluated by the Research Commission of the University of Bern. News about the success or failure of an application will be communicated by the Vice-Rectorate Research.

In the event of a successful UniBE Initiator Grant application, the amount awarded will be transferred to an external funding account of the University of Bern, to be specified by the researcher. The transfer will be made after approval of the application.