Investment Fund for Cost-Intensive Equipment for Research
Co-financing of cost-intensive equipment for research
Requirements | A planned acquisition of equipment primarily serving a research purpose with a value typically exceeding CHF 500,000. Matching funds must be available. Applicants are responsible for securing commitments for matching funds in advance. When acquiring a microscope, a statement from the Microscopy Imaging Center must be obtained. |
Eligibility | Faculties, departments, institutes and clinics, strategic centers, competence centers with a performance mandate from the University Board of Directors, platforms / core facilities of the University of Bern. University Core Facilities are not eligible to apply. |
Funding amount |
Investment sum for entire acquisition typically over CHF 500,000 (no upper limit), i.e. including matching funds from faculties, institutes and clinics as well as third-party funds. |
Scope |
The equipment acquired through this fund must be used within the perimeter of the University of Bern. Contributions are intended exclusively for equipment/investments. |
Deadline | June 30 and November each yearThere are two submission deadlines each year, on 30 June and 30 November. Take into account prior, individual submission deadlines to the faculties.
Faculty of Medicine: If matching funds from the faculty are requested, applications must be approved in advance by both the Faculty Research Committee and the Faculty Resource Committee. Please note the respective submission deadlines. |
In order to perform competitively in certain research areas, cost-intensive equipment among others is necessary. However, major investments can only be made to a limited extent with ordinary operating funds. The Investment Fund for Cost-Intensive Equipment for Research co-finances such acquisitions.
The call for proposals is issued by the Vice-Rectorate Research. Applicants will be informed of the decision of the University Board of Directors no later than 3 months after the submission deadline.
The fund supports faculties, departments, institutes, and clinics, as well as strategic centers, competence centers with a mandate from the university management, and platforms/core facilities (with the exception of university core facilities) at the University of Bern in financing high-cost equipment primarily intended for research purposes. The equipment must be used within the perimeter of the University of Bern, meaning access must be ensured for university researchers, and the equipment must not be used for healthcare or commercial purposes. Equipment is typically considered high-cost if its value exceeds CHF 500,000.
The fund serves as a supplementary source of financing. This means that applicants must have additional secured sources of funding ("matching funds"). These typically include faculty or institute funds, funds from research communities, and external third-party funding.
The following evaluation criteria apply:
- Equipment intended for interdisciplinary and cross-faculty use will be given priority.
- Applications related to strategic focus areas will be given priority.
- The acquisition of equipment with innovation potential or the upgrade/conversion of existing equipment takes precedence over replacement investments.
To submit an application, please complete the application form and submit it, including all attachments, as a single PDF file via email.
Please note that only applications submitted through this method will be considered.
The form may also be completed in English.
Within one week of receiving the application, you will receive a confirmation along with information on the expected decision timeline.
The application must provide details on the following:
- Purpose of use in research, as well as potential use in service provision and/or education and training. The equipment must be used for research purposes at least 70% of the time. Service/commercial use and education/training should only play a secondary role. In the case of mixed use, the operational concept must provide a detailed description of usage.
- Alignment with the University of Bern’s 2030 Strategy.
- Type of acquisition, distinguishing between:
- Equipment with innovation potential (new technology or significant new insights),
- Replacement of equipment (existing technology), or
- Upgrading or modification of existing equipment (new hardware/software, additional functions, capacity expansion).
- Investment costs and funding sources, including investment funds, other funds, third-party funding, faculties, institutes, clinics, external partner institutions, and sponsors.
- Investment cost estimates are approximate figures and should not be based on supplier quotes due to procurement regulations.
- User groups within the University of Bern and, if applicable, external users. The significance of the acquisition in the context of networking and strengthening the university through collaborations.
- Potential to promote interdisciplinarity.
- Necessary structural and operational adjustments, such as IT infrastructure, data connections, security, access, special connections, and space requirements.
- Key aspects of an operational concept, including details on operating, maintenance, and development costs.
- Key aspects of a user policy, specifying the pricing structure for researchers and access rights. The user policy must also comply with Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) regulations regarding core facilities.
Multi-year planning for high-cost equipment acquisitions over the next five years, including prioritization.
Approved Acquisitions
Antrag | Gerätschaft | Antragstellende Person | Einheit | Fakultät | Bewilligte Mittel |
2024-02-02 | BD FACSymphony A5 SE Durchflusszytometer | Dr. Stefan Müller | Department of BioMedical Research | Medizinische Fakultät | CHF 400‘000 |
2024-02-01 | Nikon Crest V3 DeepSIM Spinning Disk Mikroskop | PD Dr. Fabian Blank | Department of BioMedical Research | Medizinische Fakultät | CHF 400‘000 |
2024-01-03 | Kernspin-Resonanz Spektrometrie Konsole AVANCE NEO 400 MHz Konsole und Probenkopf | Prof. Julien Furrer | Departement für Chemie, Biochemie und Pharmazie | Philosophisch-naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät | CHF 300‘000 |
2024-01-02 | Lattice Light Sheet Mikroskop | Prof. Olivier Pertz | Institut für Zellbiologie | Philosophisch-naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät | CHF 499‘276 |
2024-01-01 | Kernspin-Resonanz Spektrometrie Konsole AVANCE NEO 500 MHz Konsole | Prof. Peter Vermathen | Universitätsinstitut für Diagnostische und Interventionelle Neuroradiologie |
Medizinische Fakultät | CHF 400‘000 |
2023-02-01 | Tandem Massenspektrometer mit Nano-Flüssigchromatografie Hochdruckpumpe (nLC-MS/MS) | Prof. Manfred Heller | Department of BioMedical Research | Medizinische Fakultät | CHF 500‘000 |