Promotion Fund

Funding for networking activities of intermediate staff members.

Requirements An innovative idea for a networking activity that strengthens independence and personal qualification.
Eligibility Members of the intermediate staff of the University of Bern as defined by intermediate staff association (i.e. employed staff, but also enrolled doctoral students, registered post-doctoral students).
Funding amount
Max. CHF 5'000 per application. A total of CHF 150,000 per year is available.
Event such as onference, workshop, colloquium, etc., organized by applicants. Not funded: support for individuals, contributions to publications.

24th of April 2025 

There are two submission deadlines per year, in spring and in fall. The funds received in this round must be used in 2025. The decision on funding support can be expected byJune 2025.


In cooperation with the Intermediate Staff Association of the University of Bern (Mittelbauvereinigung) and the Research Commission Administrative Office, the Vice-Rectorate International and Academic Careers calls for proposals to the Fund for the Promotion of Early Career Researchers twice a year. The fund aims to encourage the organization of networking activities of early career researchers from doctoral study (PhD) level upwards. In an efficient und quick procedure, original and innovative ideas that strengthen independence and personal skills are financed with a max. of CHF 5,000.

An amount of CHF 150,000 in total has been made available for the application round in autumn 2024 and for the round in spring 2025. In the previous application rounds, sometimes more than 60% of the applications were supported (depending on the number of submissions).

Before submitting an application, it is advisable to check whether other funding schemes are better suited to the planned project. Digitalization projects should preferably be funded via the call for Perspektivprojekte aus dem Mittelbau as part of the digitalization strategy and not through funds from the promotion fund.
For faculty-wide teaching projects, there is an annual call for Fakultäre Lehrentwicklung (FIL_FLE).
Further funding opportunities for members of the Intermediate Staff Association can be found on this information page.

The following information must be strictly followed for an application.