UniBE Inno Grant

Up to CHF 20,000 to advance, validate and refine ideas into innovative products or services.

The project aim is to create an innovative product or service. Support is provided for projects with strong social and/or commercial potential. Applications with a focus on basic research will not be considered.
Eligibility The applicant must be employed at the University of Bern, Inselspital or University Psychiatric Services for the duration of the grant.
Funding amount
CHF 5,000 to CHF 20,000 per application. Plus support from the Innovation Office during the entire project period (the offer of the Innovation Office can be found here). The maximum funding period is 6 months. 
Salary, materials, and third-party services.

Next submission deadline expected in 2026.

What is the goal of the UniBE Inno Grant?

The goal of the UniBE Inno Grant is to encourage and actively engage researchers, clinicians, staff, and PhD students to actively work on innovative projects. The Innovation Office supports them in turning their ideas into tangible and impactful innovations.

The UniBE Inno Grant exemplifies the commitment of the University of Bern to foster innovation and entrepreneurship at the University of Bern, Inselspital, and University Psychiatric Services across all disciplines.

What are the next steps after the UniBE Inno Grant?

The Innovation Office also supports the project after the end of the funding period through advisory sessions, support in securing subsequent funding, etc. Potential next steps for your project after the end of the period of support could be:

  • Developing results further via funding instruments such as UniBE Venture Fellowship, BRIDGE, Innosuisse, etc.
  • Establishing a UniBE startup
  • Collaborating with an implementation partner
  • Pivoting or stopping the project due to unsatisfactory results

What is supported?

During the period of support, the project must validate the feasibility of the prospective innovative product or service. Simultaneously, robust entrepreneurial foundations for the successful implementation into society and economy need to be established.

The grant includes a budget of a minimum of CHF 5,000 and a maximum of CHF 20,000 which cannot be exceeded. The following costs can be covered with the UniBE Inno Grant contribution:

  • Salary
  • Material costs: Consumables, instruments, etc.
  • Third-party services: Prototyping, impact assessment, market research, compound screening, regulatory roadmap, etc.

How does it work?

  • The applicant must be employed at the University of Bern, Inselspital, or University Psychiatric Services for the duration of the grant.
  • If experiments will be sponsored by the grant and performed by the applicant, the applicant must be supported and hosted by a research group head at the University of Bern, at Inselspital, Bern University Hospital, or at the University Psychiatric Services, who confirms that the applicant will receive access to the necessary infrastructure.
  • The application includes a detailed project description and budget.
  • The applicant can contact Dr. Stefanie Dobitz if they have any questions regarding the UniBE Inno Grant.
  • The application must be submitted to the Innovation Office innovationoffice@unibe.ch using the mandatory form below. The Innovation Office checks the eligibility and completeness of the application.
  • Applications that meet the formal criteria will be assessed and evaluated by the UniBE Inno Grant jury, consisting of the head and advisors of the Innovation Office. The evaluation will be based on the following criteria:
    • Impact and novelty of the proposed solution
    • Feasibility of innovation and translation plan
    • Business potential and/or social impact
  • Unsuccessful applications may be submitted a second time if substantial changes have been made.
  • Successful applicants must use the Innovation UniBE Label for funding representation. By accepting this grant, the applicant agrees to be part of Innovation Office events and marketing campaigns for the UniBE Inno Grant.
  • The amount will be transferred by the Innovation Office to a University third-party funding account specifically for the project. Any amount remaining at the end of the grant must be transferred back to the Innovation Office.
  • The final report form (see below) and the third-party funding account statement must be submitted to the Innovation Office (innovationoffice@unibe.ch) for approval no later than one month after the end of the UniBE Inno Grant funding period.