UniBE Doc.Mobility

Funding for doctoral students for research stays abroad

Requirements Invitation to a research stay at a host institution abroad.
Eligibility PhD students of UniBE enrolled for at least 12 months, who are not funded by the SNSF
Funding amount
PhD salary 2nd year, including social and insurance benefits. 
PhD salary, generally for 12 months, shorter upon request but at least 6 months. 

3 March and 1 September

There are two submission deadlines per year.

Periods of research at universities and research institutions abroad are an important part
of successful scientific activity. The University of Bern now supports doctoral students with
the funding scheme UniBE Doc.Mobility. The funding instrument is supported by swissuniversities within the framework of the program P-1 "Mobility promotion for doctoral students" for the multi-year planning period 2021-2024. The UniBE will continue the funding after this period.

All doctoral students enrolled at the University of Bern for at least twelve months and not being funded through the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) are eligible to submit an application. (Doctoral students of the SNSF can apply directly to the SNSF for a mobility grant.)

UniBE Doc.Mobility is granted for stays abroad which usually last twelve months (shorter if justified, but at least six months). The stay takes place at a research institution abroad, which is usually not in the doctoral student’s country of origin and does not correspond to the place of education. The stay cannot be split.

Support takes place in the form of an employment as a doctoral student, but with a place of research abroad.