Services and Advice Academic Career Planning


Post-doctoral students juggle with the challenge of combining research and a private life. Where to they find the time to deal with earning further qualifications or stop and take stock with a little guidance? Solutions must be found that do not place additional strain on the work-life balance yet that provided the desired value-added. At the University of Bern, there are numerous services ranging from post-graduate studies to vocational training.

The program for transferable skills of the Vice-Rectorate Development offers courses to develop key qualifications for the academic and non-academic career. The Office for Gender Equality offers courses, which are aimed primarily at women. The Further Education Centre runs various postgraduate courses, for example in the field of research management and higher education didactics (information in German). The Personnel Office has specific offers for employees in the field of career development and training (information in German and only internally available). The intermediate staff association organises events, which are targeted directly at PhD students and Postdocs. There are a number of advisory offices that can be approached, depending on the issue involved.

German-speaking researchers can rely on the services of Academic English Services to develop their language skills. The Institute for Linguistics runs a large range of language courses, e.g. in Spanish, Russian, Chinese, French and Bernese German. Non-German-speaking researchers can book the offering from German as a foreign language (DAF).