Services and Advice Innovation and Entrepreneurship


The Innovation Office organizes a wide variety of events, workshops and other activities on innovation and entrepreneurship, with the goal of building a dynamic community of entrepreneurial researchers and students.

Sep 2023 - May 2024 | «Women who start up: bring your ideas to life».

Women who star up - bring your ideas to life Logo

Event series

Do you have an idea but don't know where to start and what the next steps are? Attend our events and learn useful tools and strategies, network and gather inspiration and practical tips and tricks first hand.

04.06.2024 | Edupreneur Talk with Examzone

Digitales Prüfen neu gedacht – das EdTech Startup Examzone im Edupreneur Talk

Durch anfängliche Unzufriedenheit mit den herkömmlichen digitalen Prüfungsmethoden entstand die Idee für Examzone. Am 4. Juni 2024 erläutern Lukas Diener und Sebastian Gygax (beide Co-Founder von Examzone) die Entstehung der Idee, die aus den Bedürfnissen des Lehralltags heraus entstand und bis heute aktiv vorangetrieben wird.