Knowledge organization with wikis

A wiki is a hypertext system consisting of websites that are networked and linked to each other and can be edited by many people. The best-known implementation is Wikipedia.

ILIAS (Integrated Learning, Information and Work Cooperation System) offers a wiki function that is easy to use, features various structuring possibilities, can integrate images and videos, and also includes the visually appealing ILIAS design options.

Members of the University of Bern can create their own wiki for collaboration in research, e.g. for:

  • research project management
  • knowledge organization
  • summary of research literature
  • collection of links
  • documentation


What do I need to do?

Find out how to create a wiki, add and design wiki pages, configure the navigation, and set the availability in the instructions in ILIAS (see below).

To log in to ILIAS, you need a Campus Account that is linked to a Switch edu-ID account (see instructions “Create Switch edu-ID”; in German). You then log in to ILIAS using your Switch edu-ID.