Strategy and Focus Research Strategy

Fostering Research

In line with its Strategy 2030, the University of Bern offers the best-possible environment for basic and applied research and research-based teaching.

To ensure optimal acquisition of research funding and a research process that runs as smoothly as possible, the University of Bern supports its researchers with appropriate infrastructure, targeted funding measures and central services.

Infrastructure and facilities

To facilitate scientific research at the highest level, the University of Bern provides state-of-the-art core facilities that pool infrastructure and expertise.

Advice and support

Several central offices provide information, personal advice and administrative support to researchers at all levels at the University of Bern and Inselspital. In the Vice-Rectorate Research and Innovation, these are the Animal Welfare Office, the Grants Office, the Innovation Office and the Research Management Office.

UniBE funding schemes

Internal funding instruments support early-career researchers, collaborative and interdisciplinary projects, innovation and entrepreneurship, and the acquisition of state-of-the-art research equipment.

Research prizes

The University of Bern, sometimes in cooperation with foundations, awards prizes for outstanding scientific achievements by its researchers. If you would like to support top-level research at the University of Bern financially, please contact the UniBE Foundation.

International networks

The University of Bern participates in selected strategically important international networks that offer its researchers additional opportunities for collaboration. UniBE International coordinates the University's central internationalization activities.