Mobility and Exchange Incoming


The University of Bern invites students from ENLIGHT partner universities to participate in our new short-term mobility courses.

ENLIGHT Joint Courses

Please check the Overview of ENLIGHT Joint Courses to see the full list of available courses (incl. those of UniBE) and their application requirements. Be aware of the important distinction between three categories of courses:

  • Blended Courses (BIPs): These are courses that have both virtual and on-site components. They are eligible for grants and require an application through Mobility-Online.
  • Virtual Courses: These are courses that do not have a blended component and take place only virtually. They are not eligible for grants and require an application through Mobility-Online.
  • Summer/Winter Schools: These are courses that do not have a blended component and take place only on-site. They are not eligible for grants and do not require an application through Mobility-Online.
  • Check carefully that you meet all the entry requirements listed by the host university.
  • Review the course’s "How to apply" section and follow your home institution’s registration procedure.
  • After applying through your home university, your mobility officer will review your application and notify you if you’ve been selected and nominated for UniBE. If there are more applicants than available spots, you may be placed on a waiting list.
  • Once UniBE receives your nomination, our mobility coordinator will contact you directly with a registration link.
  • After filling in all the necessary application details and signing the required forms, you will receive the final acceptance confirmation from us. Places are limited, and your application is binding. If for any unforeseen reason, you are unable to attend, please inform us immediately so that your place can be offered to another student.
  • Once you’ve received your admission decision, you can begin preparing for your course, including activities such as finding accommodation and arranging transport to Bern.
  • If you are participating in a BIP course, you are eligible for a SEMP mobility grant from the University of Bern (details below).
  • Before your course starts, you will receive a UniBE Campus Account. This will allow you to log into UniBE’s local teaching system (CTS) and access course details and learning materials.
  • Students who are taking an ENLIGHT course abroad will need to arrange their own accommodation and travel to and from the location of the physical part of their blended mobility on their own.
  • Only students participating in blended mobility courses (courses with at least five on-site days plus a virtual component) are eligible for financial support.
    • Study grant:

      Duration (excl. travel days) 

      1-14 days 

      15-30 days 


      CHF 80/day 

      CHF 60/day 

    • Green travel grant (if 50% of the whole travel is accomplished using environmentally friendly transportation, e.g., train, bus, carpool): 


      CHF 100 

  • Grants will be paid out before the on-site part of the course.
  • To receive the grant, you must sign a declaration of commitment before the course begins. After the course, you will need to upload a confirmation of successful completion of the BIP (Transcript of Records or Certificate of Attendance).

More information will follow.