Degree Programs & Courses Bachelor's Degree Programs

Supplementary Examination of the Swiss Universities

Supplementary examination of the Swiss Universities
Location of the examination Zurich
Examination organizer ECUS
Deadline for registration 15 June
Examination dates 2025 Thursday, August 14, 2025: Mathematics, written, 3 hours
Friday, August 15, 2025: English, written, 2 hours
Individually: German language exam level C1 (written and oral) organized by the Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften, Applied Linguistics Department, date is not yet available.
Monday, August 25, 2025 and Tuesday, August 26, 2025: oral exams in Mathematics, English, History and one compulsory subject from the following group: Geography, Biology, Chemistry, Physics.
Prep time: 15 minutes; examination: 15 minutes
The examination covers five subjects and is divided into two parts
Part 1 Language of instruction (level C1), compulsory for all candidates: oral and written examination
Part 2 Three compulsory subjects and one obligatory elective subject
Three compulsory subjects 
Mathematics written and oral examination
English written and oral examination
History* oral examination (*including introduction to law)
One obligatory elective subject from the following group:
Biology oral examination
Chemistry oral examination
Physics oral examination
Geography* oral examination (*including introduction to economics)

The examination results will be available by calendar week 36 at the latest.