Degree Programs & Courses Competencies for the (digital) future

Future competencies

Embodied Experience in the Digital Age

Fitness trackers allow insights into our bodies that were hardly possible in the past, and thus possibly also change our view of it and our body image, yet not always for the better.


Only 20 years ago, it was hardly possible to analyze REM sleep phases at home: you simply felt you were resting better or worse. Thanks to digitalization, however, life can now be accurately tracked and every physical activity translated into precise numerical data. A multitude of trackers enables us to generate a data double of the body. In this learning unit, you will learn whether and how it affects the physiological body and how we can relate to it. 

To the learning unit (ILIAS)
Basic informations
Learning outcomes:

Students will be able to...

  • ... explain different philosophical perspectives on the human body throughout history, including modern accounts.
  • ... critically reflect on the different ways that embodiment can be understood and experienced in digitalized everyday life, especially in relation to sport/exercise and health.
  • ... explain the possibilities and limitations that health- and exercise-related digital devices have for understanding and experiencing the human body.
  • ... discuss the ways that digital technologies influence our movement cultures, both in elite and recreational contexts.
  • ... develop and defend a position on why digital technologies are valuable (or not) for health and exercise culture, as well as human self-understanding.
Duration: 2 hours
Language: English
Expert: Prof. Dr. Noora Ronkainen (Institute of Sport Science)
Eligibility requirements: Affiliation with a Swiss university
Credit transfer to study program:
The possibility of crediting the learning unit to one's own study program must currently be agreed upon bilaterally with each respective study program.
Authorship: The learning unit was developed in a cooperation between the Institute of Sport Science, the Learning and Development Unit and the Support Center for ICT-Aided Teaching and Research (iLUB).
Completion: Students receive a confirmation of completion upon successful completion of this learning unit.