Degree Programs & Courses Competencies for the (digital) future

Future competencies

Fairer Algorithms

Technology and self-learning algorithms are not per se neutral, objective and always a step forward. Therefore, we should better understand and critically question algorithms in particular.


Algorithms, computer systems and software act (supposedly) objectively and only do what we humans tell them to do. But why do search engines based on machine learning systems reinforce existing prejudices? What role do humans play here and how do human values find their way into such systems? This learning unit addresses these and more questions and offers a method for analysing and questioning complex algorithms.

To the learning unit (german)
Basic informations
Learning outcomes:

Students will be able to…

  • explain how algorithms work.
  • name different algorithmic processes (supervised, unsupervised, amplifying) and explain them using examples.
  • analyse and evaluate different forms of algorithms for their risks and opportunities.
  • explain which questions emerge when taking an intersectional perspective on digital technologies.
  • explain why digital technologies are not neutral and why the context of the development of the technologies must be taken into account.
Duration: 2 hours
Language: German and english
Expert: Claudia Amsler, M.A., Prof. Dr. Tobias Hodel (Digital Humanities)
Eligibility requirements: Affiliation with a Swiss university
Credit transfer to study program:
The possibility of crediting the learning unit to one's own study program must currently be agreed upon bilaterally with each respective study program.
Authorship: The learning unit was developed in a cooperation between Digital Humanities, the Learning and Development Unit and the Support Center for ICT-Aided Teaching and Research (iLUB).
Completion: Students receive a confirmation of completion upon successful completion of this learning unit.