Degree Programs & Courses Competencies for the (digital) future

Future competencies

Hate Speech

When is an insult on social media hate speech? And what can I (legally) do about it? Find out in this learning unit.


Hate speech can take many forms. Sometimes it is quiet, sometimes it screams - and usually it is directed against certain groups. Due to its perfidious complexity, however, hate speech is difficult to grasp in terms of both content and law. The learning unit addresses both aspects and also the question of how to respond adequately to hate speech in social media.

To the learning unit (german)
Basic informations
Learning outcomes:

Students will be able to...

  • ... state the definition of hate speech.
  • ... recognise and classify different forms of (online) hate speech.
  • ... recognise different effects of hate speech.
  • ... explain the legal basis in Switzerland.
  • ... list legal counselling services.
  • ... explain how to react to hate speech with counter speech.
  • ... recognise when hate speech is punishable.
Duration: 2 hours
Language: German and english
Expert: Laurenzia Karrer (Centre for Development and Environment, CDE), Prof. Dr. Ineke Regina Pruin (Institute for Penal Law and Criminology)
Eligibility requirements: Affiliation with a Swiss university
Credit transfer to study program:
The possibility of crediting the learning unit to one's own study program must currently be agreed upon bilaterally with each respective study program.
Authorship: The learning unit was developed in a cooperation between Office for Equal Opportunities, the Institute for Penal Law and Criminology, the Learning and Development Unit and the Support Center for ICT-Aided Teaching and Research (iLUB).
Completion: Students receive a confirmation of completion upon successful completion of this learning unit.