Degree Programs & Courses Competencies for the (digital) future

Future competencies

Online Security & Law

With the increased shift of business contacts into the virtual space, topics such as online security and how to deal with it legally are becoming ever more important.


The arrival of digitization in business contacts raises legal questions: How does phishing work from a hacker's perspective? Who is liable in the event of a phishing incident? How can white washing of illegal money be prevented? What are the advantages of secure customer authentication? 

To the learning unit (german)
Learning outcomes:

Students will be able to…

  • ... explain key aspects of online security based on the example of phishing. 

  • ... describe and explain basic protection and prevention measures.  

  • ... describe and assess their contractual relationship with their bank (general terms and conditions).  

  • ... explain the defense mechanisms under financial market law against phishing (money laundering).  

  • ... explain the technical principles of strong customer authentication and describe and explain the legal liability framework. 

Duration: 2 hours
Unterrichtssprache: German and english
Expert: Prof. Dr. Mirjam Eggen, Dr. Christian Sillaber, Dr. iur. Caroline von Graffenried (Institute for Civil Law)
Eligibility requirements: Affiliation with a Swiss university
Credit transfer to study program:
The possibility of crediting the learning unit to one's own study program must currently be agreed upon bilaterally with each respective study program.
Authorship: The learning unit was developed in a cooperation between the Institute for Civil Law, the Learning and Development Unit and the Support Center for ICT-Aided Teaching and Research (iLUB).
Completion: Students receive a confirmation of completion upon successful completion of this learning unit.