
The Admissions Office is responsible for admission to studies, while assessments are conducted by the individual faculties.

For all applications, the Admissions Office first checks whether the general admission requirements set out in the University Ordinance and regulations have been met.

If you have already studied at another university and want to continue your studies at the University of Bern in a later semester, the faculty will then check whether your previous academic attainments can count toward your studies at the University of Bern.

If you have a qualification from a Swiss university (bachelor's, master's, licentiate, diploma) and are applying for a master's degree program, you will require a placement decision.

Application with a Swiss degree

Here you will find the information about the documents to be submitted:

Once you have completed the online application, e-mail (PDF) the following documents to the Admissions Office:

  • Transcripts that are stamped and signed by the faculty of your previous university
  • Curriculum vitae with details of education in English
  • Application letter (one page) in English
  • Recommendation Letter

Once you have completed the online application, e-mail (PDF) the following documents to the Admissions Office:

  • Transcripts that are stamped and signed by the faculty of your previous university
  • Curriculum vitae with details of education in English
  • Copy of your Swiss high-school leavers' certificate (Matura)

Once you have completed the online application, e-mail (PDF) the following documents to the Admissions Office:

  • Transcripts that are stamped and signed by the faculty of your previous university
  • Curriculum vitae with details of education in English
  • Application letter in English

Once you have completed the online application, e-mail (PDF) the following documents to the Admissions Office:

  • Transcripts that are stamped and signed by the faculty of your previous university
  • Curriculum vitae with details of education in English
  • English certificate

Once you have completed the online application, e-mail (PDF) the following documents to the Admissions Office:

  • Transcripts that are stamped and signed by the faculty of your previous university
  • Curriculum vitae with details of education in English
  • Application/motivation letter in English (one page) including a short statement about the intended specialization.
  • A standardized interview is necessary when you hold a bachelor’s degree from a Swiss university with the minimum unrounded grade of 4.5 or grade D of the ECTS grading scale

Once you have completed the online application, e-mail (PDF) the following documents to the Admissions Office:

  • Transcripts that are stamped and signed by the faculty of your previous university
  • Curriculum vitae with details of education in English
  • Motivation letter in English: This should outline your motivation, the relevance of your previous degree, and your academic or professional aspirations (max. 1 page)
  • Report from the online assessment

Once you have completed the online application, e-mail (PDF) the following documents to the Admissions Office:

  • Transcripts that are stamped and signed by the faculty of your previous university
  • Curriculum vitae with details of education in English

Processing time for the assessment of your previous academic attainments

6 to 8 weeks


Bachelor's degrees from other Swiss universities which permit admission to a master's program in the same branch of study at the University of Bern without an assessment. You can find this information under the tab "Requirements" of the different master's programs.