Tools and Work Aids For lecturers

Interim evaluations

The interim evaluation is a student feedback which is obtained with a standardized questionnaire. It is a service offered by the Teaching Evaluation Office and is carried out in the central evaluation system evasys. The interim evaluation allows lecturers to obtain students' opinions and suggestions at an early stage of the course in order to improve the course accordingly during the semester.

The most important information about the interim evaluation is summarized here:

The interim evaluation is, for the most part, voluntary. 

For courses that have been rated «insufficient» in a final evaluation, the interim evaluation is mandatory the next time the course is offered.

For more information on the purposes of course evaluations click here.


The interim evaluation is strictly formative, i.e. improvement-oriented. Its purpose is to provide instructors with detailed data-based insights into the areas in which a course needs improvement (see impact model).


The interim evaluation serves as useful preparation for the final evaluation. Since the interim evaluation focuses on the conditional factors that constitute Good Teaching, it supports instructors in identifying potential for improvement. If subsequent measures are taken to optimize these factors, this will be reflected in the next final evaluation, which builds on the content of the interim evaluation. The impact model for Good Teaching shows how the interim evaluation and the final evaluation are linked in terms of content.


In addition, interim evaluations can promote an open feedback culture in a course.

  • 1st half of the course
  • Default: no later than week 9 of the semester

Interim evaluations are conducted online with general links. The link and a QR code are sent to the lecturers. In some cases, the link is sent to an administrative office in the faculty. From there, the link is either forwarded to the students or made available on ILIAS. An alternative to sending the link is to display the QR code in the course. Students scan the QR code and will be directed to the survey.


The questionnaire for interim evaluations is based on the Good Teaching Model and has the following structure:

  • Conditional factors - course
    • Content and structuring
    • Assist learning with course material
    • Level: Over-demanding
    • Level: Under-demanding
  • Conditional factors - lecturers
    • Defining learning outcomes
    • Conveying the subject matter
    • Learning-level related suggestions
    • Conduct toward students
  • Conditional factor – students
    • Active participation
    • Independent learning
    • Rhythmized learning



The questionnaire is available in German, English and French.

1. Planning

In a first step, lecturers plan 2-3 dates for the survey while preparing a course: a date for the survey to conducted, possibly a back-up date, and a date for sharing and discussing the results with the students. We highly recommend online surveys to be conducted in the (potentially virtual) presence of the lecturer in order to increase response rates. This requires an internet connection on site as well as a tablet, notebook or smartphone (bring your own device). Ideally, students will be given about 15 minutes to complete the questionnaires in the beginning of a session.

The survey for the interim evaluation should be conducted during the first half of the course (no later than week 9 of the semester).

2. Registration

Once planning is complete, interim evaluations can be registered. They need to be registered by the end of week 3 of the semester (see registration deadlines) using this form. Courses for which an interim evaluation is obligatory owing to negative results in a final evaluation will be registered by the responsible person at the institute.

3. Preparing surveys

After successful registration, the Evaluation Office prepares the interim evaluation for the course and sets the closing date/time of the survey.  

4. Information

Following the preparation of the surveys, lecturers receive an email from the Evaluation Office containing the link and QR code to the survey. This email also informs them about the scheduled closing date of the survey.

5. Conducting the survey

In a first step lecturers should inform their students about the upcoming evaluation. Students should be made aware of the date of the evaluation and asked to have their tablet, notebook or smartphone ready.

The survey can be conducted as soon as the link or QR code is made available to the students. Students should be given a few minutes to fill in the questionnaires in the beginning of the session on the scheduled day.

The survey will be closed on the scheduled day.

6. Report

Immediately after questionnaires have been scanned or the online survey has been closed, lecturers receive an automatic summary of the survey results and the students' comments (report) as a PDF file via email. If reports aren't sent out within a day, please get in touch with the Evaluation Office immediately.

7. Sharing results

In order to maximize the benefits of the interim evaluation, we recommend that lecturers discuss the results of the survey, the insights and potential consequences (e.g. improvement measures) with their students during the course. They may use the presentation slide on the last page of the report for this purpose.

8. Adjustments

The students' feedback may be an incentive to make certain adjustments to the course.

9. Follow up

In accordance with the impact model the questionnaires for the interim and final evaluation are coordinated in terms of content. Thus, a final evaluation that follows an interim evaluation can provide information on the extent to which measures for improvement were implemented successfully. We therefore recommend to use interim and final evaluations in combination.

For information on how to register for an interim evaluation please click here.