What is CTS?

The Core Teaching System for planning courses and degrees

The CTS is the administrative system of the University of Bern for teaching and therefore also manages grades, study progress, degrees and certificates.

The CTS (Core Teaching System) shows all courses of the University of Bern and relevant information: Who organizes and oversees the course, the place and time of the realization and much more. Students and employees of the University of Bern manage study profiles and academic achievements in the CTS.

Further information about the CTS

Logged in to the CTS, on the start page you will find the link "Index A-Z" to the internal area of the web site of the University of Bern, where you will find all detailed information about the CTS, both for students and for the staff of the University of Bern.
The internal area is accessible if you are using your device within the network of the University of Bern or are connected to it via VPN.