Tools and Work Aids Individual tools


In ILIAS iTools, you can create surveys and working groups, set up digital course rooms for workshops, share OER materials, and much more.

You can decide for yourself whether you want your materials to be accessible only to specific groups of people at the University of Bern or to the general public.

Here are the possibilities offered by iTools:

The iTools Survey Station allows you to create and conduct a public online survey using the ILIAS survey tool - easy and free of charge.

The iTools Collab Corner allows you to create your own short-term working group using an ILIAS group.

The iTools Portal Point allows you to provide materials in your own workspaces and to work collaboratively in longer-term working groups.

Workspaces in the Portal Point must be requested and will be set up by iLUB. Once workspaces have been created, you can work in them autonomously.

To the request form

The iTools Testing Terminal offers employees of the University of Bern the opportunity to create test courses on their own and to get to know the functions of ILIAS.

In the iTools OER Oases, materials and teaching content of the University of Bern, which are published under a Creative Commons license, are collected and made available to the general public.

Employees of the University of Bern can have materials and teaching content published that are released under a Creative Commons license and meet specific OER criteria (see Portal Point request form). The content itself is created in the iTools Portal Point, while the OER Oasis provides the publicly accessible link to the material. The link is created by iLUB on request via the Portal Point request form.

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