Tools and Work Aids Individual tools

For administrators

Using ILIAS in teaching

Apply for an ILIAS course

To use an ILIAS course, you must be a course administrator for an ILIAS course. You can create a new ILIAS course as follows:

Conditions Procedure
 1 Course is available in the public course catalog CTS. Apply for the ILIAS course directly in CTS at course description: How to create an ILIAS course (german)
 2 Course is not available in CTS. Order ILIAS course by the support center iLUB: ILIAS Course Application Form

Add ILIAS course independently in a separate area: Category «Further Offers».

Didactic scenarios


Data protection for uploads

Please note that, as a matter of principle, no personal data (e.g. address lists, lists of candidates for repetition examinations or lists of examination results) may be published via ILIAS.

In general, personal data may only be disclosed if the responsible authority is legally obligated or authorized to do so in order to fulfill its task, or if the person concerned has expressly consented or if it is in his or her interest. Furthermore, the principle of proportionality (that only as much data/information as necessary and as little as possible is processed and disclosed) and the purpose limitation principle (personal data may not be processed for a purpose that is incompatible in good faith with the purpose for which it was originally obtained or disclosed to the authority) must be observed when processing personal data.