
Create your Cover Letter with ChatGPT (English)

Dienstag, 15.10.2024, 12:15 Uhr

Unlock the power of AI to craft compelling cover letters that stand out! In this workshop, you'll learn how to use ChatGPT to create personalized and professional cover letters tailored to your dream job. We'll guide you through the process of integrating your unique skills and experiences with AI-generated insights, making your application more effective and time-efficient.

Veranstaltende: Career Service & Alumni UniBE
Redner, Rednerin: Jehan Laliberté
Datum: 15.10.2024
Uhrzeit: 12:15 - 13:45 Uhr
Ort: online
Anmeldung: hier anmelden
Merkmale: nicht öffentlich

Students and doctoral candidates from all disciplines at the University of Bern are invited. Participation is free of charge.