Organization Executive Board and Central Administration

Executive Board and Central Administration

The Office for Digitalization

Supports the University Board of Directors, coordinates and oversees the process of digitalization.

The University of Bern is participating actively, crucially and sustainably in shaping the digitalizatioin process, thus contributing to the birth of a scientific platform that benefits society and the economy. In so doing, the university is equipping its students and staff with the tools to master the challenges of digital transformation and to make good use of its opportunities in the realm of study and career as well as in teaching and research.

To the website Office for Digitalization.

  • Generation & monitoring of the digitalization strategy
  • Initiation of strategic digitazation projects
  • Support and advice of the University Board of Directors
  • Acquisition and processing of general requirements
  • Reporting and steering with strategic plans and portfolio management 
  • Digital Assets