
Allow time to find accommodation

Irrespective of whether you are alone or with your partner or family - allow sufficient time to look for a room or apartment.  If you come from abroad, we particularly recommend dealing with accommodation several weeks before you arrive (e.g. temporary accommodation, a room in a student residence etc.).

  • It is easier to look for accommodation when you are on site and you can visit in person. In this respect, people from neighboring countries are more "mobile" and can make special trips to visit accommodation - as long as they are willing to make the effort.
  • Many apartments on offer are not available for occupation immediately due to the period of notice and are only free after a period of 1 to 3 months.
  • Looking for accommodation with dogs or cats represents a particular challenge. In many apartment buildings, pets are not allowed. You should therefore clarify this issue at an early juncture when applying for an apartment.
  • Furthermore, we operate the "Accommodation offer" page - a small selection of adverts for apartments in  Bern and the immediate vicinity.

Accommodation search via Internet

We will be happy to advise you personally! The Welcome Center provides information about rental prices, residential areas and general conventions on the real estate market in Bern. We do not assume responsibility for concluding rental agreements, reservations or contracts.