Organization Welcome Center

Child care

Extra-family child care

Day care facilities in the city of Bern

In the city of Bern, child care facilities are available in public and private daycare centers for infants from the age of 3 months up to the start of school as well as for schoolchildren. 

Childcare vouchers reduce the cost of childcare in daycare centres and daycare family organisations in the canton of Bern. The vouchers are only valid in daycare centres and day family organisations that accept vouchers.


Daycare center at the University of Bern

While the daycare center at the University of Bern (KIHOB foundation) is intended solely for the children of employees of the University of Bern and the Teacher's college. The care costs are income-dependent and flexible times can be agreed from one semester to the next.

In addition to the KIHOB German-language website, the Welcome Center will be happy to send you an English-language information note.