Organization Welcome Center

Working in Switzerland

Different conditions apply to job seekers looking to enter the Swiss labor market depending on their country or origin. It is therefore worth taking a look at the information on "Access to the labor market" and "Recognition of qualifications" before beginning your job search.

Depending on your place of residence and the industry you wish to work in, a good knowledge of Switzerland's national and official languages is an essential requirement when it comes to looking for a job. The Canton of Bern has two official languages – German and French. However, the vast majority of the population is German-speaking, so in most regions sound German language skills are indispensable for job seekers. A good knowledge of French too would be an advantage when applying for a job. 

When you are looking for a job, be flexible in terms of where you are willing to work. This will expand the radius of your job search. Zurich and Basel are just an hour's train journey away from Bern, while Lausanne and Geneva are also within easy reach by public transport. 

Although the Welcome Center cannot offer individual advice on the labor market situation and job opportunities in Switzerland, the information provided here will hopefully help you to gain an initial impression.