Organization Welcome Center

Looking for a job

Job vacancies can be found in daily newspapers or online job portals. Some job portals also offer "careers advice" with tips on how to find a job, write applications and perform well in interviews. 

Looking for a job in research

Euraxess Switzerland and MyScience are online portals that focus on the market for academic jobs at Swiss universities and research institutes.

Career guidance and information centers (BIZ)

The Canton of Bern's career guidance and information centers (Berufsberatung- und Informationzentrum, BIZ) offer some initial guidance for job seekers in short free consultations. For more in-depth support, you can also sign up with a careers advice service. The information leaflets issued by the BIZ are very useful, especially the one on looking for jobs online ("Stellensuche im Internet"), which is broken down into industries and occupational fields, and the one on recruitment ("Personalvermittlung"). 

The BIZ's website and information leaflets are all in German and partly in French. There are no English translations available.