Organization Welcome Center

Budget planning

What monthly expenses should be factored in?  

The cost of living in Switzerland is relatively high compared to many other countries. We cannot provide any generally applicable details for clothes, food and leisure activities, but the following approximate fixed costs should be expected:

  • About 1/4 of your net salary should be set aside for rent.
  • The monthly health insurance premiums can cost between CHF 200.00 and 400.00 per person (depending on the insurance model).
  • A monthly travel card for the local public transport network in Bern costs CHF 79.00 while an annual half-fare travel card currently costs CHF 185.00.
  • Car owners pay tax and a car insurance (depending on the age of the car). A resident's card for parking costs CHF 264.00 per year (in the city of Bern).

For the first two months in particular, new arrivals should bring reserve funds with them e.g. for any new acquisitions, the rental deposit (1-3 months' rent!) and the residence permit fees.

Budget counseling service

The Swiss budget counseling service (website in German, French and Italian) provides information sheets (in German and French) concerning average monthly expenses. Target groups are recorded per life situation and income, e.g. single people, couples, families, single parents, students etc. The information is provided in CHF and relates to average values in Switzerland.