Organization Welcome Center

Comparison of premiums and quotes

Because the legal requirements for medical services are the same for all health insurance schemes, a comparison of premiums is worthwhile. Anyone who is dissatisfied can generally cancel their insurance contract in November of each year and switch to another health insurance scheme.


The "Priminfo" premium comparison portal of the Federal office of Public Health provides extensive information on the Swiss health insurance system. The links are practical and lead directly from the comparison results to the websites of the health insurance schemes where visitors can request a quote.  Priminfo is available in three languages (German, French, Italian).


In addition to comparing premiums, the Comparis website (insurances) also provides tips and information on the theme of "health insurance". As with Priminfo, Comparis links the comparison results to the service providers so that visitors can obtain a quote "with a single click". Comparis is particularly suitable for English-speaking foreign nationals who do not master one of the Swiss national languages.


Our recommendation

Within the framework of the mandatory health insurance, the university does not cooperate with any particular service provider. For initial guidance, you should ask your circle of colleagues for "recommendations" and "good experiences". For people unable to speak one of the national languages, it is advisable to shortlist health insurances with English websites.