Welcome event

Welcome Apéro for newly employed researchers, lecturers and academic staff

Tuesday, 2024/09/10, 16:00

View on ExWi building from outside

(c) K&M

At this annual welcome event, we will introduce service centers that can be helpful in the everyday professional life of research and teaching. The subsequent aperitif serves to get to know each other and to network. Afterwards, we invite all participants to a guided tour of the city (optional). The event will be held in English. Scroll down for more details on the event, schedule and participating service locations.

Event organizer: Rector's office, Welcome Center
Speaker: Professor Viriginia Richter (Rector) and various representatives of service agencies
Date: 2024/09/10
Time: 16:00 - 18:00
Locality: Room 099
Sidlerstrasse 5
3012 Bern
Registration: HERE (thank you for registering early)
Characteristics: not open to the public
free of charge

New academic staff, researchers, professors (newly hired between October 2023 and September 2024) 

Academic employees with research-related administrative and management tasks. 

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

03:45 p.m.   doors open
04:00 p.m.  Welcoming remarks (Professor Virigina Richter)
04:20 p.m.  University service providers will introduce themselves
05:00 p.m.

 Time to network or ask questions

06:15 until
07:30 p.m.  
 Guided city tour through the Old Town of Bern
 (registration required) 






Building "Exact Sciences" at Sidlerstrasse 4, Room 099

Public transport: Bus no. 20 heading for Länggasse, stop at "Universität". About 3 minutes walk to the venue.

Map: Map

Access for persons with mobility impairment

The building is accessible for wheelchairs: Building Plan

Feel free to contact us in advance so that we can help you with the entrance





The following service points will introduce themselves personally at the event.

  • Academic Careers
  • Grants Office
  • Intermediate Staff Association
  • Learning and Development
  • Office for Equal Opportunities
  • Human Resources Office
  • University Library
  • Support Center for ICT-Aided Teaching and Research (iLUB)
  • Counselling Centre Universities of Bern
  • Communication and Marketing Office
  • Welcome Center
  • ENLIGHT Alliance
  • Data Science Lab