Staff data

Here you will find information about the number of persons employed on a permanent or fixed-term basis at the University of Bern or who receive compensation for giving courses. The rules of the Swiss Federal Statistical Office (FSO) apply to the collection of the data. In order to facilitate comparisons with other universities and the student statistics, the number of staff is not presented according to organizational units but according to the specialist terms of the Swiss University Information System (SHIS). The figures in full-time equivalents are based on annual average. The figures in persons are based on the key date of December 31.

The essentials in brief

In 2024, the University of Berne had 5‘268 full-time positions which were occupied by 8'093 persons. The proportion of women amounts to 56% and the proportion of foreign nationals to 33%. The professors include 540 full-time positions, the lecturers 221, the teaching and research assistants including PhD students add up to 2‘552 full-time positions and finally, the technical and administrative staff amounts to 1‘955. Compared to the previous year, the number of staff members has increased by 2.5%.