Here you will find information about the number of students at each academic level according to the study programs of the University of Bern and the specialist terms of the Swiss University Information System (SHIS). The rules of the Swiss Federal Statistical Office (FSO) apply to the collection of the data. Students are deemed to be all persons who were registered at the University of Bern in the applicable fall semester. Persons attending the senior citizens' and children's universities are not included.
The essentials in brief
In 2024, 19'608 students were registered at the University of Bern. 6'749 (34%) of them originated from the canton of Berne while 2'561 (13%) came from abroad (educational background). The proportion of female students amounted to 60%.
8'071 (41%) studied at Bachelor level, 4'992 (25%) at Master level, 3'518 (18%) at doctoral level and 3'027 (15%) at the level of further education. Compared to the previous year, the number of students decreased by less than 1%.
In total 5'450 students have started their studies (an increase of 1% compared to the previous year).