Workshop for PhD students and Postdocs

Better Science: How to Improve Research Culture

Friday, 2023/11/10, 12:00

Academic work is characterised by intrinsic motivation, high demands and competition in the international university environment. Work in academia can be very fulfilling, but it can also lead to great stress. To ensure excellence as well as a sustainable and healthy work-life-balance, it is important to set boundaries. This includes conscious prioritisation, resource management, optimal distribution of work and managing one's own time to relax and preserve the joy of work. In addition, certain communication skills, assertiveness and teamwork skills need to be developed in order to set personal boundaries.

A sustainable research culture can be achieved by contributing to a safe team culture. A sustainable and healthy work environment allows people to say “no”, provides a positive error culture and enables people to be role models. Diverse research culture means to strengthen collaboration, a and sense of belonging, while negative effects of competition are mitigated.

Applying the strategy of mental contrasting with implementation intentions (MCII), the workshop provides a space for collaborative and open-ended thinking. Workshop participants are asked to describe their ideal culture of collaboration. The calls to action of the Better Science Initiative serve as a point of reference for the workshop discussion. Participants reflect on their contribution to a sustainable and diverse culture of collaboration.

Event organizer: Office for Equal Opportunities
Speaker: Joel Schaad, Office for Equal Opportunities, University of Bern
Date: 2023/11/10
Time: 12:00 - 14:00
Venue: online
Registration: Register here (Registration deadline: 15.10.2023)
Characteristics: not open to the public

Further information

Target group:

PhD students, PostDocs


The participants

  • reflect on their role as researchers who are part of a research culture
  • learn how a diverse research culture leads to better science
  • learn how they can influence the culture in their team


  • CHF 20.- for students
  • CHF 50.- staff of the University of Bern
  • CHF 80.- for external participants

Course language: English