The Office for Equal Opportunities offers various coaching services on an ongoing basis.
Professional coaching for advanced female Postdocs
The Office for Equal Opportunities offers individual professional coaching for advanced female postdocs as an additional service to that offered by the Counselling Centre of the Universities of Bern. For female postdocs, we arrange individual coaching on scientific and professional assessment and career planning. You will receive coaching tailored to your individual needs and the opportunity to reflect on your academic career in a targeted manner.
Possible topics
- Analysis of scientific portfolio
- Preparation for application procedures
- Publication strategies
- Financing options for own research
- Compatibility of scientific career and care responsibilities
- Mobility
- Alternative career paths
More information
The Office for Equal Opportunities has a pool of coaches of (emeritus) professors and other experts. It also contributes to the financing of coaching. The number of participants for coaching is limited. The first-come-first-served principle applies.
The coaching is conducted in German or English as required.
Contact the Office for Equal Opportunities via Mail
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Coaching for female professors and lecturers
In addition to the services offered by the Human Resources Office, the Universities of Bern Counselling Services and the Centre for Continuing Education, the Office for Equal Opportunities now offers individual coaching for female professors and lecturers.
The offer supports female professors and lecturers in their leadership and team tasks, in questions about research, career development, compatibility or networking.
If requested, the Office for Equal Opportunities can arrange coaching with external coaches that is tailored to your individual needs and the opportunity for targeted reflection. Financial participation by the Office for Equal Opportunities is possible by arrangement.
Contact Claudia Willen from the Office for Equal Opportunities, Mail: