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The Office for Equal Opportunities offers courses in addition to the continuing education programmes offered by the university and the canton. Some of the courses are aimed at women, while others are open to all genders. The Office for Equal Opportunities also offers various coaching programmes.

We also offer special workshops on various diversity topics to meet the needs and requirements of teams and institutes.

Courses are offered in English, French and German.

Overview courses
Date Course Information
Thursday, 20 March, 13:30-16:30h Empowerment Workshop "Self-empowerd against racism" for employees  More information
Friday, 21 March, 9:00-12:00h Empowerment Workshop "Self-empowerd against racism" for students More information
Wednesday, 30 April & Monday, 12 May, each 13:30-17:00 Done being nice: Increase your Assertiveness in Institutional Power Games More information