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Equal Opportunities Prize of the University of Bern

This year, the University of Bern is awarding the Prix Lux equal opportunities prize for the eighth time. The award-winning measures should actively promote equal opportunities - in terms of racism, gender, social origin, sexual harassment, physical and mental disabilities, sexual orientation, migration experience or age.

Prix Lux 2024

Conditions for participation

Nominations can be made for  university units ( institutes, faculties, nccrs) or groups of persons (groups or teams of students or staff) who are committed to equal opportunities at the University of Berne. The measures applied should stimulate a discussion on equal opportunity topics - related to gender, ethnic or social origin, physical or mental impairments, sexual orientation, gender identity or age - and be innovative, original, sustainable and have transfer potential.

The measures applied should stimulate discussion on equal opportunities issues, be innovative, original and sustainable, and have transfer potential. Show which measures you have already implemented or which are concretely planned.

The price

The price winner will receive CHF 2'000.- and a luminous object. The winner is elected by a jury.


The deadline for applications is 15 July 2024.

Please send your applications or suggestions with an explanation (description of the measure, objectives, target audience and, if possible, impact of the measure) via e-mail or post to the address indicated in the contact box.

Formal criteria

The type of application is open. In addition to a letter of application (maximum 2-3 A4 pages), pictures, videos, posters, flyers etc. are welcome.

The jury

The jury consists of one representative each of the Executive Board of the University of Bern, the intermediate staff association, the Student Union of the University of Bern (SUB), the cantonal equal opportunities office, the Communication and Marketing Office and two representatives of the Office for Equal Opportunities.

Prix Lux 2023 goes to CLASH Bern

Against sexism, harassment and violence in medical studies

This year's Prix Lux equal opportunities award from the University of Bern goes to a collective of medical students: CLASH Bern is taking a stand against sexism and sexual harassment in everyday hospital and university life.


Other Prix Lux applications 2023

DAIM - Diversity for AI in Medicine

The DAIM initiative at the Centre for Artificial Intelligence in Medicine (CAIM) is committed to greater diversity, equity and inclusion. The focus here is, for example, on portraits of female researchers, the promotion of diversity in teaching and the organisation of public events. They also present the DAIM Research Award, which honours projects that, for example, promote the reduction of biases.

CSLS - Center for the Study of Language and Socienty

The CSLS promotes dialogue about the role of language in our society through a variety of activities. Events are regularly organised to promote exchange between academia and the general public. This serves to make the results of research accessible to a non-academic audience. In addition, the "CSLS Prize in Language and Social Justice" is awarded to young researchers.