
«Access to health care for women with disabilities in Nepal»

Monday, 2022/10/31, 18:15

Persons with disabilities have essentially the same health needs as any other person. On a purely formal level, there are multiple legal instruments –most notably the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD)– that seeks to ensure access to health care for persons with disabilities and to prevent discriminatory practices that restrict access to health services. However, persons with disabilities continue to face significant barriers in accessing health care. It follows that formal equality does not necessarily translate into substantive social equality, and that the right to health – as a fundamental social right – may be jeopardised for persons with disabilities. Dr. Christine Bigler, Dr. Sony KC and Yamila Pita address this issue with a particular focus on the barriers to health access that women with disabilities in Nepal face on a daily basis.

Event organizer: Abteilung für Chancengleichheit
Speaker: Dr. Christine Bigler, Dr. Sony KC, Yamila Pita, Interdisziplinäres Zentrum für Geschlechterforschung
Date: 2022/10/31
Time: 18:15 - 19:30
Venue: A022
Schanzeneckstrasse 1
3012 Bern
Characteristics: open to the public
free of charge