Functional strategies
In addition to the six sub-strategies, the University of Bern focuses on seven functional strategies that are crucial to the functional capabilities of the University when implementing its principles. The faculties contribute to the implementation of the functional strategies as well as formulate their specific objectives in faculty-specific strategies. The University Executive Board coordinates the implementation of these functional strategies.

Strategic objective: The University increasingly communicates its proficiency in research, teaching and services. This enhances the national and international reputation of the University and ensures long-term support from stakeholders.
Personnel development

Strategic objective: The University of Bern enhances its appeal and its competitiveness as an employer.
Gender equality and equal opportunities

Strategic objective: The University of Bern implements equal opportunities, inclusion and gender equality.
Quality assurance and development

Strategic objective: The University of Bern makes increasing use of its quality assurance and development (QAD) system to constantly improve its performance.
Sustainable development

Strategic objective: The University increasingly incorporates the demands of sustainable development into its academic, administrative and operational areas and strives to become a climate-neutral institution.

Strategic objective: The University enhances its international network while remaining a reliable collaboration partner for national and regional cooperation.
Lifelong learning

Strategic objective: The University of Bern believes that learning is a process that continues throughout every phase of life. It offers specific courses and services that enable various internal and external stakeholders to participate in lifelong learning and share research-based knowledge.