Portrait Strategy


To implement the University’s strategy, tools with different time horizons are used for planning and review.

As a result, the University’s strategy provides a foundation for the long-term strategic planning carried out by the University, faculties, strategic centers and Central Administration. The faculties consider the provisions set out in the University’s strategy, substantiate them using long-term faculty strategies and implement them independently. The faculties can also set their own strategic focus areas in their faculty strategies. The strategic centers, in collaboration with the University Executive Board, develop four-year performance mandates based on the University’s strategy, while the organizational units within Central Administration draft four-year service descriptions.

For the rolling operational planning of the University’s strategy, the faculties and strategic centers supplement the action plans that already support the planning and review of the University’s quality strategy. Measures and responsibilities are defined in these plans on an annual basis. The organizational units within Central Administration supplement the University’s action plan for the same purpose.

For the annual review of the implementation of the University’s strategy, strategy meetings are held between the University Executive Board and the management of the strategic centers. The implementation of performance mandates and other strategic issues are discussed at these strategy meetings.

The faculties also conduct an annual review of the implementation of the University’s strategy in a two-step process. First, preparatory discussions take place at an operational level to review the core elements of the action plans, discuss other issues and prepare the agenda for strategy meetings. Strategy meetings are then held between the University Executive Board and the heads of faculty. Selected aspects concerning the implementation of faculty strategies are discussed at these meetings together with additional strategic issues.

The outcomes of these strategy meetings with the strategic centers and faculties are recorded in the minutes and serve as targets for the meetings held over the coming year.

As part of the annual review of the implementation of the University’s strategy, the organizational units of Central Administration submit a report on the University’s action plan to the Vice-Rectorate Quality. If necessary, relevant issues are then discussed at a University Executive Board meeting and resolutions are passed that in turn serve as objectives for the coming year in the University’s action plan.

Evaluations are used to carry out a medium-term review of the implementation of the University and faculty strategies, the performance mandates for the strategic centers and the service descriptions of the organizational units of Central Administration. The scope and content of these evaluations are determined by the University Executive Board in consultation with the parties involved. The results of each evaluation serve as the basis for revising the strategy, performance mandate or service description in question.