Strategy 2030 = 6 sub-strategies
To build on the aforementioned principles, the University of Bern relies on six sub-strategies that serve as the mission for the University as a whole. The faculties contribute to the implementation of one or more sub-strategies as well as formulate their specific objectives in faculty-specific strategies. The University Executive Board coordinates the implementation of these sub-strategies.
Sub-strategy 1: Comprehensive university

Strategic objective: The University of Bern uses its potential as a comprehensive university to enhance its interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary work.
Sub-strategy 2: Five key areas

Strategic objective: The University of Bern distinguishes itself both nationally and internationally with excellent research and teaching, particularly in several key areas that represent particular strengths for the University and are of major social and economic significance.
Sub-strategy 3: Outstanding teaching

Strategic objective: The University of Bern sharpens its profile as an educational institution offering outstanding teaching.
Sub-strategy 4: Promoting early career researchers

Strategic objective: The University of Bern promotes early career researchers and positions itself as an attractive employer.
Sub-strategy 5: Digital transformation

Strategic objective: The University of Bern enables its members and graduates to harness the digital transformation for their own activities as well as contribute to its implementation.
Sub-strategy 6: Further development of infrastructure

Strategic objective: The University wants its infrastructure to provide the ideal conditions for teaching, research, continuing education and services and is taking steps to ensure that the necessary infrastructure is available as and when required.