University alliance ENLIGHT ENLIGHT membership


The implementation and embedding of ENLIGHT at the University of Bern is coordinated by the UniBE ENLIGHT Core Team, which consists of employees from UniBE International and the Staff of the Vice-Rectorate Teaching. The membership of the University of Bern in ENLIGHT lays within the responsibilities of the Vice-Rector for International and Academic Careers and the Vice-Rector for Teaching.

ENLIGHT's primary target groups are students, lecturers and researchers. ENLIGHT activities for the benefit of these groups can be roughly structured into six to seven areas (see following diagram). Members of the University of Bern from central administration and the University Executive Board are involved in all key areas. Together, they develop the strategic framework to implement ENLIGHT at the University of Bern.


The UniBE ENLIGHT Core Team works closely with the representatives from the University of Bern in the ENLIGHT Student Network and the ENLIGHT Ambassadors in the faculties.

ENLIGHT Ambassadors

Within the University of Bern, the UniBE ENLIGHT Core Team ensures the connections to the faculties. Each faculty has appointed at least one ENLIGHT Ambassador. These ambassadors communicate the alliance's offers within the faculty and assist lecturers and researchers in an advisory capacity.