University alliance ENLIGHT For lecturers, researchers and staff

Cost contributions

For travel and stays at other ENLIGHT universities, SEMP travel grants and daily allowances can be applied for as part of SEMP teaching staff and staff exchange.

Visits to other universities offer lecturers an opportunity to enrich their own teaching experience, to initiate further cooperation and to internationalize teaching at the University of Bern. Teaching visits to other universities or inviting lecturers to the University of Bern are good ways to extend your network to colleagues at ENLIGHT partner universities. Outgoing and incoming lecturers can apply for these grants.

Staff mobility enables academic and non-academic employees (administration, teaching) to go on short stays for professional development purposes at European institutions. Professional training is a requirement, participation in conferences can’t be funded. Outgoing and incoming staff can apply for these grants.

UniBE Short Travel Grants for (Post)Docs support short research stays of doctoral students and postdoctoral researchers for the purpose of further developing their own research projects.

Researchers preparing international research and education projects can apply for travel grants for short preparatory trips that are necessary to set up these projects.