The Science Café invites members of the public who are interested to talk to experts on the first Monday of the month. Entrance is free of charge.
Next event will take place on Monday, july 1st 2024, 17.30-19h

Das Kind und die Schule – eine schicksalhafte Begegnung
Muss die Schule parat sein für Kinder oder die Kinder parat sein für die Schule? Welche Kompetenzen sollen in der Familie vermittelt werden, damit eine schulische Laufbahn ohne Frust gelingen kann? Welche Strukturen müssen Schulen aufweisen, um der heutigen Realität in einer globalisierten Welt gerecht zu werden? Wie meistern Lehrpersonen den Spagat zwischen Lehrplan und Familien? Wie gelingt eine chancengerechte Förderung der Kinder?
Open discussions between laymen and scientists
There have been Science Cafés in Bern since May 2000. The project is organized and supported by the University of Bern with the Science et Cité Foundation, the Bern University of Teacher Education and the Bern University of Applied Sciences.
Who attends? The public, managers from the scientific and political communities, wider society and professional moderators.
When does it take place? Every first Monday in the month, at 5.30 p.m. until 7 p.m.
What is discussed? Scientists are asked current questions from everyday life
Why? To encourage discussions between the university and the population, to reduce anxiety about and provide insight into the work carried out in the alleged ivory tower.
Cafés were always popular places for meeting to discuss current events and exchange opinions. You can discuss these problems face to face with researchers at the university and with movers and shakers from the world of politics and society once a month, ask your questions, express your anxieties and suggest your ideas for possible solutions – or simply listen to what others think.
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